Diabetes symptoms

In many cases, diabetes is diagnosed quite late, because patients do not know the symptoms of this disease and overlook them. Many of these symptoms do not indicate a serious medical problem.

The most frequent manifestations of the symptoms

Blood sugar levels and their symptoms

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

Periodic analysis in case of diabetes and elimination of diabetes symptoms

Long-term effects of diabetes symptoms

Different manifestations depending on the type of diabetes and symptoms:

In type 1 diabetes, the symptoms are very acute and appear suddenly, within a few weeks of the onset of the disease.

In the case of type 2 diabetes, the symptoms are usually very mild, which is why they are overlooked. The patient realizes that he has a problem only after the disease progresses considerably and damages the body.

However, in both cases, the symptoms are almost similar, only that they manifest themselves depending on each person. The symptoms are caused by the increase in blood sugar.

The most frequent manifestations of the symptoms

  • Hunger and fatigue: the two symptoms are related to each other because they appear due to the inability of the body to transform food into energy. Normally, the body converts the food consumed into glucose, and the cells use this glucose to produce energy. In the absence of insulin, which the body of a diabetic cannot produce, the cells do not have insulin and thus glucose is no longer transformed into energy. The patient always feels very tired and hungry.
  • Frequent urination and excessive thirst: diabetics urinate more often than normal people. In addition, they are always thirsty. Why? In the case of an organism suffering from diabetes, the kidneys can no longer reduce the level of glucose in the blood, as is normal. That’s why they always produce more and more urine, trying to solve the problem. The production of urine requires the consumption of as many liquids as possible, therefore the patient will be very thirsty.
  • Blurred vision: in some cases, vision problems may occur. The lens can swell, undergo changes, so that the sick can no longer see well.

Blood sugar levels and their symptoms

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

The higher the blood sugar level, the more likely you are to have more pronounced symptoms. Also, if you don’t drink enough fluids, preferably water, you will soon become dehydrated. This can make you feel dizzy and weak, and the problems can get worse, leading to an emergency.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia are:

  • A permanent feeling of thirst
  • You urinate frequently
  • Lose weight without trying
  • Blurred vision
Symptoms of hypoglycemia

Too low blood sugar can cause problems. Moreover, the symptoms are often sudden and can lead to crises that require medical intervention. Correcting blood sugar levels quickly can help you avoid fainting (passing out). Hypoglycemia can also lead to a heart attack.

Watch out for these symptoms:

  • Cold sweats
  • Trembling
  • State of weakness
  • Feeling hungry
  • Confusion

If you do not realize that your blood sugar has dropped, it is best to take your blood sugar several times a day. Anyway, the probability of such a high glycemic drop occurs if you already have diabetes (and probably switched to insulin or the medication that suits you).

Specific manifestations and symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes has some specific symptoms:

  • Unintentional weight loss – the body can no longer convert food into energy and then begins to consume fat and muscle mass
  • Nausea and vomiting – in a diabetic patient, the body feeds more on lipids (fat), which they can assimilate without needing insulin. However, the excessive consumption of lipids can lead to the formation of ketone bodies, toxic compounds that enter the blood and cause a serious complication of diabetes – ketoacidosis. This condition is manifested by nausea and vomiting.

Specific manifestations and symptoms of type 2 diabetes

The symptoms that signal that something is not good are:

  • Frequent feelings of thirst
  • Frequent and abundant urination
  • Blurry vision
  • State of irritability
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet (peripheral neuropathy)
  • Feeling tired
  • Wounds that heal with difficulty
  • Fungal infections (feet, mouth, nails) that occur frequently

Periodic analysis in case of diabetes and elimination of diabetes symptoms

If the doctor has diagnosed diabetes, you will need to have tests every 3-6 months. Among the analyses that will be performed on you are:

  • Blood sugar check and comparison with the last analysis. The doctor has already established a target blood sugar range for you. Now this target interval can be changed as needed
  • Checking the blood pressure and starting or adjusting the treatment if the blood pressure is high. Diabetes damage to blood vessels can lead to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart problems and strokes
  • Glycated hemoglobin. This blood test shows how constant your blood glucose level has been over time and can tell if you have followed the recommended diet or not
  • Regular visits to the doctor and check-ups to review the nutritional plan, and the list of recommended foods or to assess the level of physical activity required

Long-term effects of diabetes symptoms

High and uncontrolled blood sugar can cause many health problems. A difficult pregnancy in women with diabetes or more difficult wound healing are among the long-term negative effects.

Some organs can be affected over time:

  • Heart and blood vessels
  • The kidneys
  • The eyes
  • The nervous system, which can lead to problems with digestion, desensitization of the feet (which become more exposed to infections)

The best way to avoid these complications is to manage your lifestyle and food menu as best as possible to avoid obesity, including central obesity (waist fat). Take the recommended medications, follow the doctor’s medication for diabetes or take your insulin on time, check your blood sugar periodically, eat healthy, and don’t skip meals. Also, consult your doctor once every 3-6 months, to find out in time if there is something to fix.


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